The Eastern Oregon Supershoot has been CANCELLED due to extreme fire danger.

Please use extra caution when playing outside!

Ski Patrol

Photo Credit: Anthony Lakes Ski Patrol

The Anthony Lakes Ski Patrol is a group of dedicated volunteers helping to ensure a safe environment and a quick response when injuries or emergencies occur. They have a long and respected history at Anthony Lakes Ski Area and invite participation in the volunteer organization.

Please ask for information or view the application by emailing Amy Swiger at and consider joining in this rewarding activity.

Why Do People Join the Ski Patrol?

  • Help the skiing community and give back to the community
  • Learn or sharpen First Aid skills
  • Join a great “Family” and a long tradition at the ski area
  • Always have a large number of friends to ski with
  • Have your own areas on the mountain to eat/change/socialize
  • Lots of training classes available – Mountaineering, Avalanche, Advance First Aid & many more
  • Ask any patroller – for the fun and adventure!
  • It is a serious commitment, but well worth it!

Important Applicant Information for the 2023-24 Season

The Anthony Lakes Ski Patrol (ALSP) accepts applications year-round. ALSP conducts a couple of ski-with-the-patrol days that will give you an excellent opportunity to spend a day with an experienced patroller and learn firsthand what the patrol does in its daily duties on any given weekend. These are conducted throughout the season PRIOR to your being enrolled in any formal training. Formal training begins with the Spring Outdoor Emergency Care course followed by On the Hill Ski and Toboggan instruction the following season. With very few exceptions, it is generally not possible to apply, be selected, be trained, and become a Patroller in the same season. A candidate will invest a full year in training and successfully pass all of the training disciplines before being selected and voted on to the patrol. The initial cost of training is approximately $260.00 along with some equipment that you will be responsible to purchase.

Photo Credit: Anthony Lakes Ski Patrol

Timeline for joining Anthony Lakes Ski Patrol

Current Ski Season:
Candidate applies and skis with the patrol

March through June:
Candidate attends and completes the OEC course

Candidate attends the Annual Ski Patrol refreshers

Following Ski Season:
Candidate attends and completes On the Hill Training

March/April of following Ski Season:
Candidate is voted on the Patrol and becomes a Ski Patroller [This is about a 13 to 15 month process]

For more information contact Amy Swiger at
