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As a nonprofit ski area, Anthony Lakes strives to continually reinvest in it’s people, infrastructure, and community.
To enrich and improve the lives of Baker, Union, Grant, and Wallowa County residents, especially youth, through enhancing local, year-round outdoor recreational opportunities, focusing on stewardship, education, and promotion of outdoor activities, and ensuring that all opportunities/activities are provided in an affordable manner.
Over $3m being put back into our local community in wages & local spending
ALORA strives to make a positive impact on our local community by spending local and remaining dedicated to our staff of locals. From October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023
Lodging Partner visitors brought $472k to Baker & Union Counties during the 2022/2023 season. (About 1,760 lodging partner tickets during the past season)
Support Local Program
In an effort to bolster local spending, Anthony Lakes offers a “Support Local” lift ticket: guests who brought a recent receipt of $40 or more from a small, locally owned shop or restaurant receive a $25 lift ticket.
Year-round Youth Programming